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COLORS are a must-have for living among people and for achieving business goals. It talks about  key types of human behavior, translates them into a simple human manual. This is invaluable knowledge that improves communication, management and teamwork, enabling better management of one's own life and avoiding many misunderstandings and disappointments.

Książka "Kolory, czyli prosta instrukcja obsługi człowieka"

  • It gives a solid foundation for building good relationships with others, but also with themselves. Colors teach respect for diversity and acceptance of your weaknesses. They help you find i develop our natural talents. Thanks to this book, it will be easier for you to make decisions regarding the choice of studies, work, it will be easier for you to take care of_cc781905-5cde-3195_bb3b-136baddjoy i your own satisfaction and people around you. Kolory to także nieoceniona pomoc w biznesie - pomaga nam w rekrutacji, zarządzaniu, w budo waniu zespołów i ich zaangażowaniu , w sales, innovation.

    "Colors" help to bring out the best in us, to understand that what disturbs us the most in others is not driven by ill will, a_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_just a different perception of the world and another way of reacting." - Piotr Kolmas, Managing Partner of 4Results

    This book is a combination of a huge dose of knowledge and practical examples, and all dressed in friendly, humorous form. Dzięki temu czyta się ją z fascynacją i lekkością, a każdy kolejny fragment dostarcza nowej wiedzy o nas samych i_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_people in our surroundings. - Kamila Kruk, author of books, publisher, editor, entrepreneur

    There is a certain magic when you read this book - suddenly, effortlessly, you automatically begin to understand yourself and the people around you better. - Caitlin Donovan, friend, Dipl. OM, an acupuncture specialist

    Thank you, Ewa, for this experience that infected the family of i co-workers. The knowledge i tools indicated in this reading inspire you to start your adventure with "Colors" today! - Agnieszka Servaas Co-owner of the VIVE Group, Vice-President of the Management Board of VIVE Textile Recycling

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